

Å starte i barnehagen er en stor milepæl for både barn og foreldre. Det er mye å forberede, og det kan være utfordrende å vite hva som trengs for å gjøre overgangen så smidig som mulig. Her finner du våre beste tips til hva du bør ha klart når barnet ditt begynner i barnehagen. Fra påkledning og sko til barnehagesekk – vi har dekket alt!


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Riktig påkledning

Barn i barnehagen tilbringer mye tid utendørs, uansett vær. Riktig påkledning er derfor essensielt for at barnet skal trives og holde seg varmt, tørt og komfortabelt. En god huskeregel er å følge trelagsprinsippet:

  1. Innerlag: Fukttransporterende undertøy.
  2. Mellomlag: Isolerende lag som holder på varmen.
  3. Ytterlag: Vindtett og vanntett bekledning.
Vurder barnetsktivitetsnivå: Mindre aktive barn trenger flere lag for å holde seg varme, mens mer aktive barn kanskje trenger lettere klær for å unngå å bli for varme.

Tips for påkledning:
  • Unngå jakker med fast hette og snor for å hindre farer under lek.
  • Velg komfortable og bevegelige klær.
  • Sørg for at utedresser passer godt, så de ikke hindrer bevegelse.
  • Bruk hals eller buff i stedet for skjerf for sikkerhetens skyld.
  • Merk alle klær med barnets navn for å unngå forvekslinger.
Huskeliste over klær til barnehagen:
  • Høst-/vårdress
  • Regntøy, regnvotter og sydvest
  • Vinterdress
  • Fleece eller ulldress ( hel eller 2- delt)
  • Minimum ett skift med inneklær (body/ genser, strømpebukse/sokker og bukse)
  • Tynn lue (solhatt eller caps på sommeren)
  • Tykk lue ( gjerne balaklava)
  • Tynne votter ( gjerne softshell)
  • Tykke votter ( gjerne ullfor)
  • Hals


Sovestund i barnehagen

Hvordan sovestunden organiseres varierer mellom barnehager. Noen har egne rom inne, mens andre lar barna sove ute i vogn. Uansett kan det være lurt å ha følgende på plass:
  • Tilpassede soveklær etter årstid: Selv på kalde dager trenger barnet kanskje bare en tynn lue hvis det sover i en varm dunpose.
  • Sovepose eller dyne: Avhengig av sovestedet og temperaturen.
Sove ute:
  1. Vogn
  2. Myggnetting
  3. Regntrekk
  4. Vognpose, dyne eller teppe
  5. Sele til vogn
Sove inne:
  1. Reiseseng
  2. Madrass
  3. Sengetøy
  4. Dyne og pute


En god barnehagesekk er viktig. Den brukes til alt fra å frakte matpakker og klær til å være med på turer. Velg en sekk som kan justeres og som har et beltesystem for midje og bryst.
  • Sekken må ha regulerbare skulderstropper.
  • Den skal ikke være for stor, da den skal passe barnets kropp.


Valg av sko til barnehagen

Å velge riktige sko er viktig gjennom hele barnehageåret, som innebærer ulike årstider med forskjellige krav:
  • Joggesko og sandaler: For vår og sommer.
  • Gummistøvler og fôrede støvler: Viktig for regnvær og kalde dager.
  • Vinterstøvler: For de kaldeste månedene.
  • Innesko: Komfortable sko for innendørs bruk.



Starting kindergarten/pre-school

Starting kindergarten is a big milestone for both you and your child. Suddenly your child goes from spending most of the day with you or your partner, to being with other children and adults during the daytime.

In Norway, children usually start kindergarten when they’re around one year old. To prepare for an ordinary day in a Norwegian kindergarten, we have made a set of lists of what you need to bring for your child.

How to dress your child for kindergarten

Your child will be spending a lot of time playing outdoors in kindergarten. To help them navigate the different weather we experience here in Norway, it’s important that they are dressed properly. Layering is the best way to make sure your child stays comfortable and warm during the colder seasons. Use wool as a base layer, then wool or fleece as a middle layer, and finish with a waterproof and breathable shell layer. Wool is great to use during milder months as well, as it wicks away moisture when your child is active.

Remember to dress your child according to their activity level. Small children usually spend more time sitting on the ground and need warmer clothes than older children who are more active.

The kindergarten will usually have a spot allocated to your child where you can hang rainwear and outdoor garments, as well as a basket where you can keep a spare set of clothes and store hats and gloves.

Checklist for kindergarten clothes:

• Coverall («parkdress»)
• Rainwear (including mittens and hat)
• Snowsuit
• Fleece or wool (either suits or a set)
• Change of clothes (onesie/top, jumper, socks/stockings, pants)
• Sun hat or cap for summer
• Wool hat or balaclava for colder days
• Thin mittens (softshell)
• Thick gloves (preferably with wool lining)
• Tube or buff (fleece or wool)


• Hooded jackets with strings should be avoided as they can pose a choking hazard. Instead make sure you buy coveralls and jackets with snap buttons so the hood snaps off if the child gets caught in a tree branch or similar.
• As the child will spend most of the day playing, comfortable clothes are essential. Make sure you buy clothes that the child can move freely in.
• Make sure coveralls are not too big as they will be hard to move around in.
• Scarves are not suitable for use in kindergarten. Use a buff instead.
• Label all clothes, shoes, lunchboxes, water bottles etc. with your child’s name and your phone number to prevent them from getting lost.

Sleeping in kindergarten

Most children sleep during the day for the first years of kindergarten. The sleeping arrangements vary from kindergarten to kindergarten, but generally children will sleep in strollers outside.

Remember to adjust the clothes the child sleeps in according to the time of year. Stroller footmuffs/buntings will usually keep your child comfortably warm.

Sleeping outside

• Stroller with straps to secure the child
• Mosquito net
• Raincover
• Stroller footmuff/bunting
• Duvet
• Blanket

Sleeping indoors

• Travel bed with mattress
• Sheets/bed linen
• Duvet/pillow

Kindergarten backpack

It’s a good idea to get a backpack for your child right from the start as most kindergartens will go on excursions (even thought it might just be the surrounding area in the beginning). So make sure you get a backpack that will last the child for a few years and during different growth stages. The backpack should be able to carry the child’s lunchbox, a water bottle, a seat pad and some spare clothes.

• Backpack
• Water bottle
• Thermos
• Lunch box
• Foldable hiking seat pad (insulated foam)


• The backpack needs to have adjustable shoulder straps and a belt system that allows it to be fastened around the waist and chest.
• The backpack shouldn’t be too big. Make sure that it’s lightweight and ergonomical.

What sort of shoes does my child need?

With all the different weather and seasons we have in Norway, your child will need a variety of shoes for kindergarten. During the year, your child will need everything from trainers and rain boots, to winter boots and indoor shoes.

• Trainers
• Indoor shoes
• Gore-tex shoes ("overgangssko"; great for seasonal changes – going from summer to autumn or spring to summer)
• Rain boots
• Cherrox (insulated rubber boots)
• Winter boots

Securing your child in the car – even for short trips

Remember that although you may live close by your kindergarten, it’s important to make sure your child is always properly secured in the car.

When a child starts kindergarten, it’s usually time to buy a new and bigger car seat. Make sure you get a rear-facing one that can be used until the child is at least 4 years old. At Barnas Hus, we are more than happy to help you find a seat that suits your needs. Bring your child to see which seat they find most comfortable, and test the seat to see if it fits in your car.


In addition to clothes, shoes, backpack, water bottle and lunch box, there are a few other things you will need to supply for kindergarten. Usually, parents are responsible for providing the child with diapers and skincare products like wet wipes and ointment. Sunblock and sunglasses are essential for summer, and cold cream is great for cold winter days.

• Diapers
• Wet wipes
• Sunglasses
• Sunblock
• Cold cream
• Zinc ointment (for sore bottoms)